Filtro de Daltonismo

Disciplinas em Línguas Estrangeiras 2023

Disciplina Acadêmica

Os cursos na modalidade virtual do Centro Paula Souza foram desenvolvidos para estudantes das Fatecs e de Instituições Estrangeiras Parceiras do CEETEPS, que tenham interesse em desenvolver seus estudos em disciplinas desenvolvidas por professores de alto nível. Cabe destacar que tal oportunidade, desenvolvida pela Assessoria de Relações Internacionais – ARInter, é uma forma de impulsionar o crescimento pessoalpraticar uma língua estrangeira, promovendo a internacionalização do currículo do aluno.

Todos os cursos serão ministrados de forma síncrona


The course aims to provide students with an overview of the theoretical foundations of Marketing, the Marketing system and Marketing management as well as its application in the organizations daily practice.


a) Learn about the strategic and tactical-operational aspects of Marketing. b) Get an instrumental base for the process of market analysis and understanding of the Marketing environment. c) Distinguish among the main functions of the Marketing management process: planning, organization, coordination, and control.


Mondays at  5pm to 6h40 pm GMT-3 (Brasilia Time Zone)
Language: English
Ms Teams platform


English required level: B1 minimum

Being enrolled in a CPS Higher Education Institution partner


Introductions & Presentation of the course

The marketing concept –classical and contemporary approaches;

Marketing environments ;

The Marketing mix;

Digital marketing;

Internal Marketing;

Strategic Planning and the role of Marketing;

Guest Talk

Consumer behaviour;

Organizational buying behaviour -B2B;

Market segmentation


Market positioning;

Service marketing;


Key Takeaways & End of course


The course aims to examine how society has been influencing the development of technology and viceversa and shall invite students to reflect upon the impacts of technology on people’s lives currently.
a) Get an introductory overview of the relationships between technology and society.
b) Learn through classic and modern theories as well as with local and global case studies.
c) Discuss with peers and instructor in a fruitful way so as to drive critical thinking about the role of technology on people’s lives.


Tuesday at  5pm to 6h40 pm GMT-3 (Brasilia Time Zone)
Language: English
Ms Teams platform


English required level: B1 minimum

Being enrolled in a CPS Higher Education Institution partner


  1. Introductions & presentation of the course
  2. The nature of technology: metaphor, rationality, determinism
  3. Winners and losers: technology as a subversive force; what it can do – and what it cannot
  4. The sources of technological change: technological change as a social process; “push” and “pull”
  5. Scientific knowledge and advance: how technology differs from, and facilitates scientific discovery
  6. A planet under stress – is technology the problem or the solution?
  7. Medical technologies and ethics: diagnostic technologies; when does life end? when should it?
  8. Genetic technologies: farm bioengineering; cloning; the perils of genetic intervention
  9. Technology and work transformation: earliest tools; agriculture; the clock; the ironies of progress
  10. Technology and jobs: more of one and less of the other? the changing structure of the economy
  11. Technological change and job life: smart technologies and dumb jobs? White-collar jobs
  12. The printing revolution: knowledge expansion; literacy and social change; reading digital news
  13. The electronic media: radio; television and politics, violence, and thought
  14. The internet age: the digital divide; privacy in the digital age; e-media in modern society
  15. The tools of destruction: the weapons and their consequences; the era of smart weapons
  16. Technology and Organizations: technology as cause and consequence of organizational structure
  17. How government policies shape technological change: democratic control of technology
  18. Technology and its creators: who’s in charge of whom? globalization and cultural convergence
  19. Individual Assignment
  20. Key takeaways & end of course



This course aims to have a close look at people behaviour in the working environment, focusing on how management and leadership practices affect the attitudes, motivation, and performance of employees and teams, and consequently, the organization as a whole.


Upon completion of the course, students are expected to:

a. Understand and be able to apply varied organizational behaviour principles and tactics to prevent individual and group problems from emerging and, once such are identified, intervene to have them fixed accordingly.

b. Develop greater confidence and skills to be familiar with and learn how to make use of different leadership styles to engage, influence and guide others.

c. Pull together a plan to improve their personal behaviour and competences to be able to manage their own career path.


Wednesdays at 5pm to 6h40 pm GMT-3 (Brasilia Time Zone)
Language: English
Ms Teams platform


English required level: B1 minimum

Being enrolled in a CPS Higher Education Institution partner


1. Introductions & presentation of the course

2. What is organizational behaviour?

3. Diversity in organizations

4. Attitudes and job satisfaction

5. Emotions and moods

6. Personality and values

7. Perception and individual decision making

8. Motivation: from concepts to applications

9. Understanding work teams

10. Communication

11. Power and politics

12. Conflict and negotiation

13. Organizational culture

14. Organizational change and stress management

15. Guest talk

16. Key Takeaways & end of course



Para estudantes das Fatecs as condições e requisitos para candidatura estão indicados nos respectivos editais de cada curso, disponíveis em:

O processo seletivo para estudantes de instituições estrangeiras fica aberto até 1 de março de 2023

Procedimento para inscrição:
Inscrever-se no Sistema ARInter
Validar inscrição por meio do link recebido no e-mail indicado na inscrição

Verifique junto à Área de Relações Internacionais de sua Faculdade/ Universidade ou entre em contato com:


The selection process for international students is open until March, 1st 2023

Check with your Faculty/University International Relations Office or contact:


El proceso de selección para estudiantes internacionales está abierto hasta el 1 de marzo de 2023

Consulte la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de su Facultad/Universidad o comuníquese