Filtro de Daltonismo

Disciplinas em Línguas Estrangeiras 2022

Disciplina Acadêmica

Os cursos na modalidade virtual do Centro Paula Souza foram desenvolvidos para estudantes das Fatecs e de Instituições Estrangeiras Parceiras do CEETEPS, que tenham interesse em desenvolver seus estudos em disciplinas desenvolvidas por professores de alto nível. Cabe destacar que tal oportunidade, desenvolvida pela Assessoria de Relações Internacionais – ARInter, é uma forma de impulsionar o crescimento pessoalpraticar uma língua estrangeira, promovendo a internacionalização do currículo do aluno.

Todos os cursos serão ministrados de forma síncrona pela plataforma MS Teams.


The course aims to provide students with an overview of the theoretical foundations of Marketing, the Marketing system and Marketing management as well as its application in the organizations daily practice.


a) Learn about the strategic and tactical-operational aspects of Marketing. b) Get an instrumental base for the process of market analysis and understanding of the Marketing environment. c) Distinguish among the main functions of the Marketing management process: planning, organization, coordination, and control.


Mondays at  5pm to 6h40 pm GMT-3 (Brasilia Time Zone)
Language: English
Ms Teams platform


English required level: B1 minimum

Being enrolled in a CPS Higher Education Institution partner


Introductions & Presentation of the course

The marketing concept –classical and contemporary approaches;

Marketing environments ;

The Marketing mix;

Digital marketing;

Internal Marketing;

Strategic Planning and the role of Marketing;

Guest Talk

Consumer behaviour;

Organizational buying behaviour -B2B;

Market segmentation


Market positioning;

Service marketing;


Key Takeaways & End of course


The course aims to examine how society has been influencing the development of technology and viceversa and shall invite students to reflect upon the impacts of technology on people’s lives currently.
a) Get an introductory overview of the relationships between technology and society.
b) Learn through classic and modern theories as well as with local and global case studies.
c) Discuss with peers and instructor in a fruitful way so as to drive critical thinking about the role of technology on people’s lives.


Wednesday at  5pm to 6h40 pm GMT-3 (Brasilia Time Zone)
Language: English
Ms Teams platform


English required level: B1 minimum

Being enrolled in a CPS Higher Education Institution partner


  1. Introductions & presentation of the course
  2. The nature of technology: metaphor, rationality, determinism
  3. Winners and losers: technology as a subversive force; what it can do – and what it cannot
  4. The sources of technological change: technological change as a social process; “push” and “pull”
  5. Scientific knowledge and advance: how technology differs from, and facilitates scientific discovery
  6. A planet under stress – is technology the problem or the solution?
  7. Medical technologies and ethics: diagnostic technologies; when does life end? when should it?
  8. Genetic technologies: farm bioengineering; cloning; the perils of genetic intervention
  9. Technology and work transformation: earliest tools; agriculture; the clock; the ironies of progress
  10. Technology and jobs: more of one and less of the other? the changing structure of the economy
  11. Technological change and job life: smart technologies and dumb jobs? White-collar jobs
  12. The printing revolution: knowledge expansion; literacy and social change; reading digital news
  13. The electronic media: radio; television and politics, violence, and thought
  14. The internet age: the digital divide; privacy in the digital age; e-media in modern society
  15. The tools of destruction: the weapons and their consequences; the era of smart weapons
  16. Technology and Organizations: technology as cause and consequence of organizational structure
  17. How government policies shape technological change: democratic control of technology
  18. Technology and its creators: who’s in charge of whom? globalization and cultural convergence
  19. Individual Assignment
  20. Key takeaways & end of course


Understand and apply the concepts of cloud computing and its infrastructure, main services and usage.

Define and apply cloud computing principles. Identify and create a cloud computing environment, using scalability and high availability principles.Understand and identify reliable, secure, efficient and cost-effective cloud system architectures.


Mondays at  5pm to 6h40 pm GMT-3 (Brasilia Time Zone)
Language: English
Ms Teams platform


English required level: B1 minimum

Being enrolled in a CPS Higher Education Institution partner


Welcome Class
Professor and student introductions

Cloud concepts overview
Cloud computing systems: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
Cloud types: private, public and hybrid clouds
Cloud computing advantages
AWS Cloud Adoption Framework
Knowledge Check 1

Cloud economics and billing
AWS pricing fundamentals
Total Cost of Ownership
AWS Pricing Calculator
Knowledge Check 2

AWS global infrastructure overview
AWS service categories
AWS Cloud console Knowledge Check 3

Cloud security
AWS shared responsibility model
Identity and Access Management
Securing an account
Securing data
AWS compliance programs

Security demonstration
Security Lab
Knowledge check 4

Cloud networking
Basics of cloud networking
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Design a basic VPC architecture
Cloud routing and DNS service.
Routing types.
Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Networking demonstration
Networking Lab
Knowledge check 5

Cloud compute services overview
Container compute services
Serverless compute services

Compute demonstration
Compute Lab
Serverless Lab

Infrastructure provisioning and configuration
Application deployment demonstration
Application deployment Lab
Knowledge check 6

Cloud storage
Types of cloud storage
Amazon S2, EBS, EFS and Glacier

Storage demonstration
Storage Lab
Knowledge check 7


Presentar una visión general sobre el marketing y su aplicación en América Latina.

Reflexionar sobre la tarea del profesional de marketing en América Latina;

Aplicar los principales conceptos de marketing en el análisis de casos empresariales

Comprender las similitudes y diferencias que hay en la región y su importancia al momento de crear productos y servicios en la región.


Sabados a las 10am – 11h40 am GMT-3 (Brasilia Time Zone)

Idioma: Español
Plataforma: Ms Teams


Español minimo B1

Estar inscrito de una Institución de Nível Superior que tiene convenio con CPS


Presentar a los estudiantes la diferenciación entre los términos marketing, mercadotecnia y mercadología e identificar cual es el término más utilizado en el país de origen de dichos(as) alumnos(as).

Conocer las tendencias de marketing en América Latina en el momento actual y como la pandemia ha cambiado los escenarios de negocios en la región.

Presentación de las 5 eras de marketing e identificar en cuales ciclos se encuentran algunas empresas latinoamericanas a partir del análisis y estudio de casos.

Explanar sobre el marketing internacional y reflexionar sobre el marketing local y global para identificar el menor público viable y los adoptantes iniciales de productos y servicios.

Identificar rasgos comunes entre países de la región y cómo tal conocimiento es un diferencial competitivo.

Presentar la diferenciación entre marketing digital y marketing de datos.

Explanar la importancia de que los profesionales de marketing empiecen a ocuparse de las temáticas del marketing consciente y responsable.

Explanar sobre el plan de marketing y cómo hacer para contemplar en ello todos los tipos de marketing que hay en la actualidad.

Oficina de construcción de un plan de marketing.



Contribute to the theoretical training of the student, emphasizing, however, the practical results resulting from the theory, such as its applications in engine calibration development, conducting vehicular tests and critical analysis of test results and evaluation of performance of components and vehicles.


  1. Know the knowledge of internal combustion engines and electrical and sus configurations.
  2. Evaluations of strategies and operation of engines and components.
  3. Development of new engine operating technologies.


  1. Initial engine calibration concepts
  2. Presentation in vehicles of the engine calibration environment, (variables, graphs, and nomenclature)
  3. Presentation of the theory of stoichiometric calculation and vehicle verification of the calibration maps of the stoichiometric calculation.
  4. Vehicle test in roller dynamometer.
  5. Students’ presentation on independent injection control systems
  6. Independent injection control systems
  7. Analysis of the characteristic motor curve 



Contribuir a la formación teórica del alumno, haciendo hincapié, sin embargo, en los resultados prácticos resultantes de la teoría, como sus aplicaciones en el desarrollo de calibración de motores, la realización de pruebas vehiculares y el análisis crítico de los resultados de las pruebas y la evaluación del rendimiento de los componentes y vehículos.


  1. Conocer los conocimientos de motores de combustión interna y configuraciones eléctricas y sus;
  2. Evaluaciones de estrategias y operación de motores y componentes;
  3. Desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de funcionamiento de motores.


  1. Conceptos iniciales de calibración del motor
  2. Presentación en vehículos del entorno de calibración del motor (variables, gráficos)
  3. Presentación de la teoría del cálculo estequiométrica y verificación vehicular de los mapas de calibración del cálculo estequiométrica.
  4. Prueba de vehículo en dinamómetro de rodillos.
  5. Presentación de los estudiantes sobre sistemas independientes de control de inyección
  6. Sistemas de control de inyección independientes
  7. Análisis de la curva motora característica 


GENERAL OBJECTIVE: The course aims to provide students with an introduction for the area of machine learning, studying the basis for the more basic types of algorithms.


  1. Introduction for entry level algorithms (decision trees, KNN, K-Means, Naive Bayes);
  2. Write programs that implements the studied algorithms;
  3. Work with Python libraries for machine learning;
  4. Solve problems with machine learning.


1. Introductions & Presentation of the course

2. Introduction to machine learning;

3. Supervised learning;

4. Information gain;

5. Decision trees;

6. ID3 and C4.5;

7. Introduction to Bayesian paradigm;

8. Naive Bayes;

9. Bayesian Network;

10. Distance measurements;

11. KNN;

12. Regression;

13. Regression algorithms;

14. Unsupervised learning;

15. K-Means;

16. Key Takeaways & End of course


The aim of this course is to address the exploration of the field of knowledge creation and virtual knowledge creation, through the reading and production of texts that circulate in academia, with special emphasis on the research project genre, as method to achieve this aim. Concerning on the reading and analysis of academic texts, it aims to understand the scientific field, its relationship with other fields of social and economic relevance. The theoretical support comes from contemporary theories that focus on ways to deal with the creation of knowledge and virtual knowledge, as . The purpose of the course will be to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to be able to independently interpret and produce technical and academic texts of various genres.


Read and analyze technical and academic texts independently and produce research projects for various purposes.


  1. Reading academic texts on a variety of topics and purposes.
  2. Identify relevant theories important to the concept of knowledge creation and virtual knowledge
  3. Understand the way knowledge is created and distributed in the context of public policy making by the use of different technologies
  4. comparatively analyze technical and academic texts.
  5. produce the parts of a research project in English.


  1. Introduction.
  2. Policy perspectives on knowledge.
  3. State of the art Knowledge creation and virtual.
  4. Knowledge creation and distribution: information systems.
  5. Knowledge creation and distribution: social media.
  6. Knowledge creation and distribution: distribution.
  7. how to summarize information for various purposes.
  8. The construction of the paraphrase and its use in interdiscursive relationships.
  9. general elements of the research project
  10.  analysis of research projects of varied themes
  11. research project: state of the art
  12. research project: abstract
  13. research project: introduction
  14. research project: literature review
  15. research project: qualitative method
  16. research project: quantitative method
  17. research project: case study
  18. research project: research hypothesis and research objectives
  19. research project: relationships between parts of the text.
  20. presentation of the completed research project



Para estudantes das Fatecs as condições e requisitos para candidatura estão indicados nos respectivos editais de cada curso, disponíveis em:

O processo seletivo para estudantes de instituições estrangeiras fica aberto até 2 de agosto de 2022

Procedimento para inscrição:
Inscrever-se no Sistema ARInter
Validar inscrição por meio do link recebido no e-mail indicado na inscrição
Preencher o formulário Google

Verifique junto à Área de Relações Internacionais de sua Faculdade/ Universidade ou entre em contato com:


The selection process for international students is open until August, 2nd 2022

Check with your Faculty/University International Relations Office or contact:


El proceso de selección para estudiantes internacionales está abierto hasta el 2 de agosto de 2022

Consulte la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de su Facultad/Universidad o comuníquese con: