On the front lines of fighting the virus Since the beginning of the pandemic, students and teachers from Centro Paula Souza (CPS) have been involved in various actions to prevent and combat Covid-19, such as the production of gel alcohol, virus testing, work with respirators, and food donations. Therefore, it could not have been different when the population began to be vaccinated within the São Paulo State Immunization Plan (Plano Estadual de Imunização – PEI) of São Paulo, launched by the Government of the State in January. Students of the nursing technical courses of several Technical Schools (Etecs) joined the group of health professionals in February to help to protect, as soon as possible, the largest number of citizens from São Paulo. The amount of collaborators was, until the end of March, about 400 students and 40 teachers from 14 schools. The working hours count as hours of internship. In a partnership with the local authorities, young people work on the front lines, applying doses of the immunizing agent in different municipal contexts. At the school Etec in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, for example, they work at the school area itself, using a drive-thru system, which works as one of the three vaccination points in the city. In Sorocaba, students and teachers from Etec Rubens de Faria and Souza vaccinated around 950 elderly people at Humberto de Campos Institute (Instituto Humberto de Campos). In São Vicente, students worked on a drive-thru installed in front of the Social Solidarity Fund, in the city center.