Centro Paula Souza (CPS) is an autarchy of the State Government of São Paulo, connected to the Secretariat for Economic Development. CPS manages 223 technical schools (Etecs) and 73 colleges of technology (Fatecs), with more than 300,000 students in the technical and higher education.
Etecs have approximately 224 thousand students enrolled in Secondary Education in 185 courses which integrate high school with vocational studies. FATECs, on the other hand, serve approximately 85 thousand students in 81 higher education courses in 10 technological axes, such as Civil Construction, Information and Communication Technology, Tourism and Events, among others.
Besides graduation, CPS offers postgraduate courses, technological updating and extension.
CPS was created by the decree-law of October 6, 1969, under Governor Roberto Costa de Abreu Sodré’s management (1967 – 1971), as a result of a working group to evaluate the feasibility of gradually implementing a network of higher education courses of technology lasting two and three years.
In 1970, it started operating under the name of Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica de São Paulo (CEET), with three courses in the area of Civil Construction (Earth and Paving Movement; Construction of Hydraulic Works; and Construction of Buildings) and two in the area of Mechanics (Project Designer and Workshops). It was the beginning of the Technology Colleges (FATECs). The first two were installed in the cities of Sorocaba and São Paulo.