The International Office of Centro Paula Souza (Assessoria de Relações Internacionais – ARInter) promotes a series of trainings in its projects for Cultural and Scientific Events. Learn more and access these events! Be part of it!
In the following links, our trainings:
Wadhwani Opportunity Webinar held on 07/27/2020 as a partnership with ARInter.
Digital Education Challenges – Portugal and Spain Webinar held on 06/24/2020 as a partnership with RIET – Red Internacional Educación para el Trabajo, (Argentina) in the International Connections series.
The Leadership skills in the development of collaborative teams Webinar held on 07/02/2020. Directed to managers, the event is the second in the International Connections series. The event was also a result from the partnership between the International Office (ARInter) of Centro Paula Souza and RIET- Red Internacional de Educación para el Trabajo, (Argentina).