In Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza (CPS) and its Colleges (Fatecs), the research aims to develop and apply methods and techniques capable of contributing to the consolidation of the institution as a benchmark of excellence in technical and technological public professional education.
The research is promoted, in particular, by the Full-Time Schedule (Regime de Jornada Integral – RJI), which constitutes a special work schedule for the professors of FATECs. The admission to RJI is allowed through the presentation of specific projects, whose objective is to develop activities related to teaching, research and technological development in the State of São Paulo.
These teachers have the mission of accompanying and expanding the frontier of knowledge, acting as agents of transformation and innovation, enabling young people in the activities of prospecting, absorption, elaboration and dissemination of information and applied science.
Thus, the development of research projects in RJI aims to strengthen teaching units in certain areas of knowledge, related to the courses offered by the colleges, as well as to improve the economic competitiveness and social organization of the State of São Paulo.