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Learn More about the International Office of Centro Paula Souza

Due to the new context faced by Brazilian public education, and with the increasing globalization processes and the regional integration in diverse scopes, it is essential to understand the role of International Relations regarding to […]

12 de novembro de 2018 3:47 pm Notícias

Due to the new context faced by Brazilian public education, and with the increasing globalization processes and the regional integration in diverse scopes, it is essential to understand the role of International Relations regarding to public education and, specifically, the professional public education in Brazil.

In line with these processes, Centro Paula Souza (CPS) plays an important role in fostering professional and technological education in the state and in the country through specific politics and programs for the sector. Between them, we highlight the expansion of CPS in terms of the expansion of technical and technological courses offered by the Technical Schools (Etecs) and Technology Colleges (Fatecs), and the emphasis on human and citizen training as a complement to technical training, among others.

The international relations represent the main conditions for institution and citizen’s development, especially when it comes to educational issues, with relevant scientific and technological aspects.  It is essential to learn the experiences of other countries, seeking dialogue between cultures, allowing the comprehension of differences, exchange of knowledge and encouragement for solidarity and a culture of peace.

Currently, the complexity of the global context requires the training of professionals with a world view, but at the same time, with specific skills. This reality demands changes in educational projects, regarding to the training of workers who serve this new world panorama, related to the globalization process.

Thus, the benefits resulted from the exchange of students, teachers and administrative technicians with partner foreign institutions is very important. In addition, international cooperation projects allow mutual knowledge in research, development of technologies, teaching systems and pedagogical training, as well as generating international visibility for the actions of Centro Paula Souza.


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